Opening Hour

Sun - Fri, 10:00 - 17:00



Advocacy and Governance

Gender Equality is basic human rights that could be achieved only after reducing all kinds of inequality and discrimination. There is higher inequalities and disparities existing between men and women in the context of Nepal. The ratio of gender inequality is disproportionate on the basis of geography, culture, religion, and class. Women of Karnali are facing more challenges from gender-based inequality and discrimination compared to other places. They are facing multiple forms of inequality that is resulted to social exclusion and backwardness. The Governance in remote area is less effective to advocate in women’s issues in the context of Nepal. Gender responsive plans and budgets in government and local bodies in every sphere are very important miles to achieve gender equity. Strategic plans and policy contribute to create a positive environment for inclusive spheres in everyday activities and programs. It is evident that, the local bodies which is situated in rural area are gender neutral due to the lack of knowledge and patriarchal mindset and structure. The role of civil organizations, NGO’s and other private companies to advocate for good governance is an adequate step. It is a duty to mark an important work plan for a proper implementation by all the civil organizations in their program. Advocacy is another milestone of two gender equality. It promotes and protects women’s rights, addressing their all problem. Advocacy could be done to communicate and pressurized to individual, community, governance. The advocacy to gender equality is important to include women in governance that includes policy making, gender responsive budget and its implementation.

WWS has been significantly advocating for promotion and protection of women’s rights, addressing the issues of women, girls, children and other marginalized people since its establishment. WWS advocated and got success to bring many changes in relation to preparation of different policies, strategies and plans of Sarkegard RM. As the substantial evidences, WWS advocated and provided technical support to the Sarkegard RM to prepare Food security Policy 2076 (2020), women and girls empowerment policy 2076 (2076), climate change adaptation policy 2076, Climate Change livelihood strategy 2078, and Local Adaptation Plan of Action 2078 of Sarkegad RM. Moreover, WWS has been advocating for inclusion of women, children in local planning process and got success to make local governments to allocate budget for women and girls’ empowerment in the district of Upper Karnali. WWS pressurized local and province government to allocate budget for enhancing skills of women on enterprises development and promotion of value chain system. For this WWS advocating to establish grievance handling mechanism of local governments; carried out many dialogues among right holders and duty barriers on accountability and governance; provided training to local authorities and CSO alliances on right to Information, Advocacy & leadership, Institutional Development; developed Information Education and Communication (IEC) materials on accountability and governance in local language; facilitated public hearings, etc.

Building the Foundation of HRBA at Local Level (ADHAR) (2016-2018), Breaking Silence: raising Voice for Good Governance in Karnali Region (2016-2018), Community Capacity Development (1999-2003), I Have a Voice: women advocating for development in Nepal (2011-2014),